Rebel Minis contacted me to design some new reference sheets for their armies for the Mighty Armies game. I’ll also be working on a rules compendium, and other projects as they come up.

Rebel Minis contacted me to design some new reference sheets for their armies for the Mighty Armies game. I’ll also be working on a rules compendium, and other projects as they come up.
This Client Testimonial was designed for Columbus CEO magazine. I worked with the Creative Director at the magazine to come up with the copy and select a usable photo from the selection given. We then worked out a rough design layout, which was refined over several revisions.
This Testimonial was published in the September or October issue of Columbus CEO magazine.
This is a character sheet that I designed for Abstract Nova‘s new game, Aletheia. They wanted a modern mystery feel, with elements of the Planetary comic book series. In the background of the character sheet are shapes reminiscent of crop circles, which lend to the general feeling of mystery that the game has.I also designed a number of header and sidebar graphics for Abstract Nova, including the Aletheia header shown below.
I designed these game sheets for Blank Shield Press for the game Blood and Bronze. It’s a board game of power and influence in ancient Greece, and it’s getting very good reviews on several podcasts that I listen to.
This is the 2006 Annual Report that I designed for MORPC. I came up with the initial concept, laid out the pages, retouched and edited the photos, built the graphs and charts, and organized the articles.
In 2005, MORPC decided the make some changes to their Horizons Newsletter. I was part of the team that came up with the idea of moving to a magazine format, so that longer stories could be told.
I came up with the initial layout, designed the masthead, laid out the articles, and managed the text.
Tabletop Adventures, LLC, asked me to do the trade dress/cover design for one of their first printed books, Against the Darkness. I was provided the cover illustration and graphics for the back cover, but I designed the logo/masthead, and the layout for the cover.
RebelMinis asked me to design a logo, trade dress/cover
design, and interior layout for their upcoming game Six-Guns Assassins. I was provided quite a few interior graphics, and the cover illustration, but I did all of the layout for both the interior and cover of the book.
I also designed a squad sheet for the game.
This is the first character sheet that I designed for Abstract Nova, for their game Noumenon. The game is a very strange one, but AN wanted lots of pentacles and fire on the sheet, which is what I did.
[kml_flashembed movie=” ” height=”447″ width=”250″ fversion=”9″ useexpressinstall=”true” /]This is a dice roller I built, in Flash, for the Burning Wheel game I was running in 2006. It was nice to have a dice roller on my laptop so that I could make secret rolls for or against the PCs without the players knowing.
The dice roller is pretty simple. You enter in the number of dice to be rolled at the top, and then select the type of dice (Black, Grey or White) from the pull down. Clicking the Roll button at the button “rolls” the dice. Successful rolls are shown in brackets, like this: , and failures are shown like this:
. The dice roller also totals the number of successful and failure dice at the bottom.
The zip file includes both the standalone .exe file, and the .swf file (for embedding in blogs, webpages, and wikis).